
Green Office

Green Office is intended to reduce to a minimum the negative impacts of the Bank’s business activities on the environment and includes the introduction of new and innovative technology to all areas of Bank activity. Green Office is about improving business ethics, focusing corporate culture on standards-based environmental responsibility and participating in the country’s plans for a low-carbon economy.

Protecting the atmosphere and common water resources and counteracting the effects of climate change

by 20%
Reducing own emissions by 20% by the year 2030

The Bank adheres to the concept of reasonable and efficient use of natural resources and supports the idea of resource conservation.

By using energy and fuel more efficiently, we strive to minimize both our carbon footprint and the amount of toxic emissions we release into the atmosphere.

The Bank is committed to using vehicles that comply with established environmental standards and to implementing a gradual transition to low-carbon means of transportation.

Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) 2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report

The Bank has already conducted the first evaluation of its carbon footprint and the impact of its office-based activities on the climate and is committed to making such evaluations at regular intervals in the future.

The Bank seeks to minimize its use of water by implementing water conservation measures and upgrading to more efficient, state-of-the-art water transportation systems.

Cutting the generation of waste and promoting a circular economy

Reducing paper consumption in the Bank’s Moscow offices by 10% by the year 2025 and by 25% by 2030

The Bank contributes to reducing the volume of waste generated by economizing on the amount of materials used and by purchasing recycled or eco-labeled products wherever possible. The Bank is already using an electronic document management system and is committed to installing digital facilities to reduce the amount of paper used when offering its various banking products. Some offices are already implementing waste-separation and recycling schemes in order to minimize their share of non-recyclable waste. We aim to gradually extend this practice to all the Bank’s branches irrespective of location.

Responsible procurement

Bank GBP (JSC) DEDICATED POLICY on Environmental Responsibility
Corporate Code of Ethics of Bank GPB (JSC)

When purchasing goods, works and services from its suppliers, the Bank sets out its minimum mandatory specifications in procurement documentation. These include the environmental requirements provisioned in the Bank’s Private Environmental Responsibility Policy and the social and governance requirements enshrined in the Bank’s Code of Conduct. We are committed to ensuring that our suppliers comply with all relevant provisions relating to human rights, health and safety at work, ethical business conduct, partnership based on trust and reciprocity, fair competition, environmental responsibility and climate protection.